Understanding the WORD of GOD

As we plunge into the word of God and go deeper, let us inspire ourselves in digging more to get that treasures – treasures that will endure through eternity.

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. -Ephesians 1:17 (NIV)

God is the God of wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Anyone who wants to know and understand His word should ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK (Matt 7:7).

We need to tell God that we want and are ever so willing to know Him more. Though He is God beyond doubt and He knows everything without anyone telling Him. Yet, since we have this relationship before Him, communication is a must. If we want to know Him more, together with His word then let’s invite, welcome and allow Him to dwell in us.

Knowledge and understanding will not just appear out of thin air. it will not show up by sitting on a pew and do nothing.

Consider this: suppose a child slipped on the street and a man nearby saw the child, immediately the man came to the child’s rescue and lend his hand, but unfortunately the child is unwilling to accept that free help from the man. the so-called UNWILLINGNESS. Just imagine God checking our hearts and searching for that fleck of willingness to know Him, and when He can’t find any in our hearts, how can he reveal Himself to those who are unwilling?

We need to have WILLINGNESS. And this willingness should be followed by action. Meaning, you need to do something out of that willingness that you have. WILLINGNESS and ACTION.If you have these two, worries aside because this is what we need in digging unto the word of God. These two are what we need to understand the book of Revelation.

Another thing: did you ever wonder why the word of God is so hard to understand by our mere knowledge? Remember those times that you first read His word and you find yourself struggling – trying to absorb every word that you read through.

I believe that the Book of Revelation is written in symbols so that people can’t understand with their mind but must have faith. Many look at the word literally, but to truly understand is through the Spirit.

Our mere minds can’t understand the word of God and i say that we will go crazy figuring out what does it mean without the Spirit of God. The Spirit will teach us, guide us, lead and allow us to come to understanding the message of God for us. That’s how God works. Praise the Lord for revealing Himself to us!. Praise God for His concern for us.

What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? -Psalm 8:4

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